The Modern Employer #wildcards
We explore all things HR and Talent related. We go through the current news and build on specific in-depth topics employers and employees alike need to hear. Keep up to date being a modern employer and join the #wildcards.
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Effective People Metrics
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
We are back with Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPD & Olya Yakzhina discussing the Effective Metrics to take in 2021! help us have a fruitful discussion we have invited a metric guru Pavel Golenistsev, who helped us unpack the following questions:1. What metrics do we want to be taking?2. How do we develop questions that will measure those metrics?3. What practical tools and actionable ways of working with metrics and analysis are available?We are excited about this episode as it will show that metrics do not have to be boring, they can be empowering, life-changing and transformational to your People Strategy. So let them!*Find The Modern Employer #wildcards podcast is now on: Apple podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Castro and Soundcloud. Download and listen later.
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Short Term People Strategy 2021
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
PODCAST ALERT:Are you an HR leader in need of inspiration with your strategy next year? Look no further... Yakzhina and Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPD discuss the 2021 People strategy.On this episode, we look at the HR fundamentals and where to start with your People and Talent roadmaps.Areas to start with:1) Org design and being prepared.2) How to be proactive in 2021 vs reactive.Let's start 2021 strong as a People function! Thank you to all of you for listening to us in 2020! See you all in the New Year. The Modern Employer is signing off for a well-deserved break.*Find The Modern Employer #wildcards podcast is now on: Apple podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Castro and Soundcloud. Download and listen later.
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Creating Better Experience with Remote Redundancies
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Boom! Shake the room with a topic no one wants to talk about - Creating Better Experience with Remote Redundancies.- What? How? When? And then? summary, that's the drift of this podcast. With some great wisdom from Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPD, Olya Yakzhina and a surprise guest April Georgia Williams (MCIPD) we are unpacking the meaning of "redundancies" as a process for our mental health, for what it means and how it impacts us and for how to build successful processes now to be able to give your best self later (if need be, and ofc, hopefully, that's never)*Find The Modern Employer #wildcards podcast on: Apple podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Castro and Soundcloud. Download and listen later.*
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Remote Onboarding Employee Experience
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
It's happened! Your voices have been heard and we recorded a podcast on the subject you've requested - Remote Onboarding Experience with Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPD & Olya Yakzhina! podcast covers our experience of setting up some incredible, creative, practical and scalable remote onboarding solutions for our companies.If this is something you are interested in or just passing by and want to compare how we do it vs how your onboarding has been so far, stop by and tune in!*Find The Modern Employer #wildcards podcast on: Apple podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Castro and Soundcloud. Download and listen later.*
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
- How do we make it Human?- How do we support our Culture?- How do we generate Excitement?- How do we consider Psychological Safety?This podcast is a collection of tips and tricks for returning back to the office in the most human way possible, created by People people (aka Olya Yakzhina & Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPD) & our GUEST speaker Georgia Barrett! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! #shamelesspromotion*Find The Modern Employer #wildcards podcast on: Apple podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Castro and Soundcloud. Download and listen later.*
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Talent Acquisition vs Recruitment
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
By Olya Yakzhina & Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPDThis is the second podcast in our series of podcasts from the Modern Employer - #wildcards :1) Learn how to set up a talent function and the remit of Talent acquisition.2) Innovative ways of looking through CV's and making sure candidate experience is met.3) What does the future of our TA look like? What other creative ways could we source the right talent? What is culture add?4) Fundamental differences between Talent Acquisition and recruiters.5) Why do we not use agency recruiters?6) When would we use recruiters?
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Flexible Working - Considering All Angles
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
How to tackle the visibility of leadership?How to approach L&D?How to support commercial teams who are used to selling F2F?Podcast by Olya Yakzhina and Karthika Biju MSc, MCIPD answering the burning questions you guys have asked us! :)
The Modern Employer
The Modern Employer Podcast was born out of frustration Olya Yakzhina and Karthika Baiju had with the current state of play in People functions. Why was it that the function wasn't taken seriously by the leadership? How come employees never know what the People team was there to do? Why was it that the word "HR" became so scary and people with that title unapproachable? They decided to create a podcast channel where they discussed "HOW TO" make sure that the future of the people functions is progressive and outcomes transformational. #wildcards was a symbol of unconformity with the current state of play in the industry.